Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 22 - Snap!

It's a good thing I see the surgeon tomorrow to have my bands replaced because tonight, I'm missing some!  I won't go into detail, but I snapped my bands on the right side tonight!  Oops!  It's not a big deal but I must say that even though they should be there, it sure does relieve a lot of pressure NOT having them there!  Sure wish I didn't HAVE to get new ones tomorrow!

I'm still very tired each day - this has really been kicking my butt.  I just don't have my normal energy level back yet!  I want to do something around here, but when I do, it's like I take two steps backwards.  Sheesh, I can't wait to feel normal again!

The squiggles are still there, the numbness, tingling and pins and needles are still there, just relocating...lol....and that's about it! 

I'm going to bed.


Tami Tripp said...

You have been a trouper through all of this. Try to stay positive. Hope your energy is back soon.

Aimee said...

Hey Tami! It was YOU that posted a while back, wasn't it? I wondered! Thanks...things are slow, but we're getting there. If you see my energy, let me know..I want it back! lol

Peter And Pat said...

Aimee, trying to leave a comment and thought I had several times. Must not be doing it right, but will try again. Hang in there! You are looking awesome. Heard you are coming down sometime soon. Look forward to it. Love ya, Peter and Pat

Aimee said...

Hey! If it didn't work before, it did this time - yayyy! Way to go! Thanks, things are progressing, albeit slowly. Still can't believe how long the recovery is taking. But, I'm getting there! We haven't really talked much about it, but hoping we'll get back down for birthday/anniversary again in July. That's my hope anyway! :-) Love you both and miss you. Wish we were closer!