Thursday, May 27, 2010

And On The 17th Day...

...not a damn thing changed!  LOL  It's going to be a short one tonight because I'm tired and really don't have anything new to report.   This isn't a bad thing, things have just slowed down for a bit.  The positive thing is that I'm not getting can only get better from here!  :-) 

Dinner tonight was another winner - my husband never ceases to amaze me!  Rice, veggies and pesto - it was mmmmmmm mmmmmmm good!  :-)  One big bowl of green!  hehehe  Eating from a syringe is beginning to get on my nerves, though.  As I watched Brian eat a steak tonight, I realized just how much I miss just grabbing something and taking a big bite out of it!  Surprisingly, although I get a taste for things now and then, I'm not really struggling with food jealousy (i.e. Brian's steak).  This has got to be because of the wonderful meals he has been preparing for me - I'm getting all the taste sensations so the only thing lacking is eating with regular adult utensils!  No complaints!!

So with that, I'll close for the evening.  Nothing exciting, no earth shattering news.  I'm completely fine with that. 

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