Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 19 - Sensations...

A new day and new sensations.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, the nerves in my face are going crazy.  The newest sensation is one I call "the squiggles".  It's difficult to explain what they are, but the best way I can describe it is to say that it feels as if little feet are running over my face - from my chin to my cheek, or my cheek to my nose, or one side of my chin to the other - it's crazy and it almost tickles.  My face also itches and it's not fun.  It's not fun because it only itches where it's numb and when I scratch, it doesn't do a thing to make the itch go away!  Very frustrating!  I've begun getting some shooting pains from time to time in my jaw and cheeks, and my teeth sometimes ache.  I suspect it's normal, just the healing process, but it can be agonizing nonetheless.

A yummy dinner tonight of southwest (chipotle) chicken and rice.  I'm telling you, I'm beginning to enjoy dining at Chez Darling!  We capped it off with a Rootbeer Freeze for dessert while watching the movie 2012.  Not bad!

But, I'm still craving a big, fat ribeye!  (couldn't resist)

I'll leave you this evening with some updated photos - slowly but surely, things are progressing!  Nighty night, all!


Graham said...

Look at that awesome side profile! I love reading your updates! You seem very happy about everything.

And it sounds like you've got a good support group around ya!

Aimee said...

Hey Graham! Thanks, it's a bit different but not too drastic. I'm a little freaked about it, it's a change and I'm not used to it. So far, things are going well. I didn't think it possible during the first week - I was convinced I would rather wither away and die! lol

I have an awesome family and great friends. You've been a wonderful help - finding your blog and corresponding with you has been a godsend! You look pretty awesome yourself! :-) We're on the might have a lot of twists and turns, but we might just hit the destination, huh? :-)