Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 18 - Baby Steps

I'm a day late in posting this so I'll do it this morning and post today's excitement this evening so I'm back on track.

I've got cabin fever.  Bad!  It's a catch 22 though....I want to get out, but I'm just too tired to do so.  I conquered that yesterday and Brian helped it along.  We've done virtually nothing since my surgery and thankfully, we've dealt with it pretty well and haven't killed one another - yet!  lol  So, to get ahead of the game, I made a request yesterday of my dear husband, and he relented!  We went to one of our local hangouts, Bistro Bistro, for Happy Hour!!!!  I know what you're thinking...and no, I didn't bring my syringe with me!  LOL  I drank like a big girl this time!  In the hour and a half or so that we were there, I managed to drink only about half my margarita but it tasted ohhhhhhh, so good and was well worth it!  And it was wonderful to get out of the house and do something different.  

Dinner.  I've been mentioning the foods I've been eating and just how tasty those foods have been.  I've also shown you the end result.  But what you haven't heard (or seen) is the work that goes into making one of my "looks to be so simple" meals.  The food prep time is all different, depending on what's being made.  But once the food is done, it has to go into the food processor.  Once there, it has to be thinned while blending.  We're not done yet.  Once it's the correct consistency, it has to be strained as I can't have any chunks of food in what I eat.  Ahhh, but when it's strained, it's now cold so the warm up begins!   All in all, it's quite a process and when all is said and done - a HUGE mess!  Last night's meal was a wonderful veal dish, with mashed potatoes.  Super, super tasty, my husband is a genius!  :-)  Here are the before (that is my meal on the left side, in the bowl!) and after shots so you can see it's not quite as simple as you might think!

With the time it took for dinner, we didn't get any update shots on me so we'll do that for the next post.  As for me, the progression is still very slow.  I'm sure that there are some small changes happening, but nothing big enough where I can really tell the difference.  I will tell you that my breathing is MUCH better and although I'm still kind of stuffy on the left side, the right is almost completely clear!  It's going to be heavenly when this splint comes out!

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